Bach Bibliography
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Author : Mills, Ian
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TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. Mills, IanA Scholar and a Gentleman. Identifying and Assessing Walter Emery's Key Contributions to Twentieth-Century Bach Scholarship. M.A. dissertation, Musicology, Queen's University, Belfast 2006. 67p. diss. 2006 67p
2. Tomita, Yo; Crean, Elise; Mills, Ian (eds.)International Symposium: Understanding Bach's B-minor Mass. Discussion Book 1. Full Papers by the Speakers at the Symposium on 2, 3 and 4 November 2007. School of Music and Sonic Arts, Queen's University Belfast. 2007. x, 356p. [cr]Belfast2007 1 2007 x, 356p
3. Mills, IanExtracting Performance Clues from Mus. Ms. Bach P 271: An Assessment of Micro and Macro Corrections Found in Two Chorale Preludes from the Leipzig Autograph. Paper read at the fifth annual conference of the Society for Musicology in Ireland held at DIT Conservatory of Music and Drama, 11-13 May 2007. [p]SMI_DIT May 2007
4. Mills, IanFrom Autograph to Print: Re-examining the Transmission History of J.S. Bach's 'Great Eighteen' Chorales. A paper read at the 13th biennial international conference on Baroque music, held at University of Leeds from 2 to 6 July 2008. [p]BICB_Leeds Jul 2008
5. Mills, IanJ.S. Bach's Choralvorspiele in 1750: their Position, Associations and Implications. Paper read at the International Study Day on 'Bach and the Chorale: Influence, Context and Legacy' held on 27 November 2008 at School of Music & Sonic Arts, Queen's University Belfast [p]ISD_Belfast Nov 2008
6. Mills, IanThe 'Lost' Eighteen: Breitkopf, Mendelssohn and the Nineteenth-century Re-emergence of Bach's 15 Grand Preludes on Corales. Young Scholars' Forum 2008. UnderstandingBach 3 2008 99-104
7. Mills, IanJ. S. Bach, the Choralvorspiele and the Late Eighteenth-Century Aesthetic Notion Young Scholars' Forum 2010. UnderstandingBach 5 2010 76-86
8. Ebata, Nobuaki; Tomita, Yo; Mills, IanMendelssohn and The Schübler Chorales (BWV 645-650): A New Source found in the Riemenschneider Bach Institute Collection. In Memory of Yoshitake Kobayashi. Bach 44 1 2013 1-45
9. Mills, IanThe historical position and reception of J. S. Bach's 'Great Eighteen' and Orgelbüchlein Choralvorspiele, 1750-1850. PhD diss., Queen's University Belfast, 2016. diss. 2016

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita